Canada 411: Reverse Lookup

Canada 411 Reverse

How to use Canada 411 Reverse Phone Lookup : Many times it happens that you need to find a person’s location, address, phone number etc. for a variety of reasons. It is great if one can find online assistance to find a person.

If you are looking for somebody in Canada, then Reverse Lookup is the best search. Their official website is It was established in 1999 with a view to helping Canadians finding people and local businesses. Reverse Lookup

It is fully owned and operated by the Canadian and totally online company. There are more than 20 million people who use this website every year to find people or business. Canada Reverse Phone Lookup provides the fastest and easiest search. To find a person, how to use Canada 411 is shown below.

Canada 411 Reverse Phone Lookup

  1. Visit the website at Select the Reverse tab.
  2. In the search space provided, either enters phone number or address with the city.
  3. Click the “Get the 411” button. If the search is found, a list showing the search will be displayed. If not, then a message showing no items will be displayed and you will be given suggestions to rectify your search.

Reverse 411 Directory Phone Number Book

You can get Reverse 411 directory phone book for a person as well as for business. To access mobile phone the directory, you can

  1. Visit the website Click on the “Mobile” link displayed at the bottom of the page.
  2. For a business directory:
    1.  Select on the business directory/ person directory.
    2. Select a province from the displayed list.
    3. You can select a city from the given list or click on the first alphabet of the city name and a list of city names starting with that letter will be displayed.
    4. Select a Business Category from the given list. Click on the name of the business from the list displayed. The contact number of the business you have selected will be displayed as well as a map showing the direction of the business place will also be displayed.
  3. For person directory:
    1. Select the person directory.
    2. Select a province from the displayed list.
    3. You can select a city from the given list or click on the first alphabet of the city name and a list of city names starting with that letter will be displayed.
    4. A list of the last name will be displayed. Click on the last name of the person from the list displayed. List of persons with specified last name will be displayed. Select the name of the person you were looking for. The contact number of the person will be displayed.

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